


ScienceDirect is a website that provides access to a large bibliographic database of scientific and medical publications of the Dutch publisher Elsevier.

關於ScienceDirect 期刊

ScienceDirect 的開放取用. Elsevier 是發展速度名列世界前茅的開放取用出版商之一,目前擁有的2,650 種期刊幾乎全部支援開放取用出版,包含600 種完全開放取用的期刊。

ScienceDirect | Peer

Advance research and scholarship with the world's leading database of peer-reviewed, full-text scientific, technical and health literature.

ScienceDirect:Elsevier 同儕審查學術文獻的優質平台

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ScienceDirect Topics pages

ScienceDirect Topics provide the bridge between journals and books, helping to speed up research outcomes, foster deeper insights and improve your patrons' ...

Books on ScienceDirect

Books on ScienceDirect provide easy, instant and DRM-free access to titles published by Elsevier and our imprints.

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Browse journals and books at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier's leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature.


ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. Explore journals, books and articles.